Insured Licensed Affiliate Trainer and Instructor Equi-First Aid USA
and Canine Health Canada
Training and Certification
Eligible For Path-Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship, EAGALA CE Credits
International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants
Eligible For Agriculture Based High School Programs Extended/Continuing Education
Become an EquiFirst Aid Instructor
Become an Equine First Aid Instructor while hosting!
Thinking of becoming an instructor but the time is not right, want more information, or need to earn extra income to pay tuition?
Whatever your reason for waiting to become an Instructor, our new "Host-To-Instructor" program may be the answer.
Earn while you learn
Build your network
Graduate from Host to Instructor
For more information please click here
Teaching "Response Ability"
Become an Equine First Aid Instructor
For the Life and Love of the Horse
Instructor Training
"Response Ability"
For the Life and Love of the Horse!
Student Instructors learn hands-on live for two days at a host or other location through scheduled online sessions via Zoom with their EquiFirst Aid East Coast and self-paced online support material.
Your tuition includes training from EquiFirst Aid East Coast and licensing rights to the EquiFirst Aid USA curriculum.
Instructors are independent contractors who keep track of their federal and state tax liability and must carry a Horse Business Liability Insurance policy.
Once tuition is paid, insurance is in place, and training is complete, instructors will be certified to teach. Training consists of classroom instruction and hands-on exercises that can be completed at a live training session, online via Zoom, or a combination of the two. Traveling to and from training sites is the responsibility of the student.
Supplies are the instructor's responsibility.
Teach the Equestrian Public
and others Valuable Skills
While you Earn Money
We know you have some questions .... check out the FAQs below to see if we can answer them!
Q. Is the tuition tax deductible? *Please consult with a tax advisor about your situation. Our answer is generic and does not take into consideration your personal financial situation. The answers are based on research with the IRS website and are not reflective of any state taxation sites.
A. YES! It can be claimed as a business expense if you are an existing horse business adding our teaching certification to your professional services. If you are just starting out in the horse business and do not have an existing business, it may be deductible as a personal expense if you itemize on your federal taxes.
Q. How long will it take me to recover my investment?
A. You'll earn back your tuition fee with each student you teach, so every instructor is different.
Q. What does my tuition include?
A. Upon completion of an application, webinar via Zoom and self-driven Background Check, we then mail out your pre-course study materials which includes your instructor teaching manuals for basic, advanced, fundamentals, Back Country trail, I can help (kids manual), and Building your Business handbook.
Training can be Flexable with you traveling to an Affiliate location or arranging for us to travel to you, Many Instructors choose to attend a pre-existing clinic on a training affiliates schedule (preferred so you can see how a class operates in real time) or we can do the bulk of the training online with an arranged day to meet up to cover Hands on Scenarios. Upon graduation you will be awarded a vest with the company logo embroidered on as well as the word 'INSTRUCTOR'. We also provide you with a vital signs kit, course outlines, a PowerPoint presentation that guides you through the courses, a private Facebook instructors group, a private instructor's resource page complete with demonstration videos, marketing posters and more. You will be 100% set up and ready to teach upon graduation!
Q. When I take the training, do I work for Equi-First Aid East Coast or USA?
A. Students who successfully complete the instructor training course become independent contractors for EquiFirst Aid East Coast/USA, not employees. That means you control when, how, and to whom you teach. *Write-offs may include your equine-related expenses (including a portion of your horses at home provided you teach there once a year), travel costs, and the general costs of running a business. We have instructors across Canada, the United States, France, Switzerland, and Australia.
*Please consult with a tax professional about your tax situation
Q. Do I have to find my host barns and students to teach?
A. Yes. We provide you with the licensing for the curriculums, resources and tools to understand how to market to potential hosts and students. You are self- employed and therefore are responsible for securing your own work. We may at our descretion offer you host locations to contact.
Q. Are there territories?
A. No. Territories are unnecessary. Not only do we currently offer different training courses for different equestrians, but there are nearly 5 million people involved with horses in the United States, so there are enough clients for all our instructors to travel and teach wherever they want!
Q. Are there payment plans?
A. Yes. You can split the tuition into payments. Certification is not awarded until payment is made in full. However, you may book classes beyond the date of your expected graduation and apply those registration funds to your tuition. Please speak with us regarding your situation.
*Refunds will not be issued to failed or withdrawn students. Tuition is non-transferable*
Q. So, how does it 'work' when I teach?
A. Once you have a class scheduled at your ranch or a host location, we advertise your course on the company website, and you advertise locally. The primary course is offered nationwide at the standard fee of $169.00. You collect the fees from your students directly. You then order your course manuals from the EFA East Coast for
$18 - 59.00 (depending on the course manual needed) 1 per student (including their first aid manual, certificate of completion, and normal/abnormal card). You will be responsible for your teaching insurance and soft goods. Don't worry - we will go through all the business details in your training, and you will have unlimited phone and Zoom coaching available!
Q. Do I have to re-certify or pay a relicensing fee at any point?
A. Yes, you will pay a $99 fee to Head Office by Dec 31 of each year. Your certification is valid for three years. After three years you will re-certify online, to obtain your lifetime certification and senior instructor status. This is a one-time cost of $299 and includes a short online exam.
Q. Sounds great - what's next?
A. We ask that you review the Instructor Training and Tuition page. There you will be invited to a webinar and your application will be forwarded to you.